Our last day in Italy!!!!!!! I think this is the first long vacation I've ever taken that I wasn't ready to go home. I absolutely love Italy. I love everything about it. The sounds, the smells, the history, the people, and the FOOD!!!!!!! I love that the people are laid back and take time to enjoy their life. They are not rushed to go from one thing to another. Meals go on for hours because people actually sit there and have conversations. They're not in a hurry to get the bill and leave. We had two goals to accomplish today. One, we had tickets to go see Michelangelo's David and the other was shopping for gifts for family. Since we had booked our tickets in advance, we didn't have to stand in line to get in. We had a time to be there, handed them our ticket and walked right in!!!! I couldn't believe that I was viewing history in the flesh!! The statue had me standing in awe. The details in it were incredible. Right down to the veins in his feet and hands---Wow!!! Statues were described to us by our guide in Rome as the way that people were preserved. Like we take photos now, they did statues or busts back then. Made perfectly good sense to me. The have the David roped off so that people can't actually touch it but you are right there looking at him.
Now off to the task of finding some lunch. We found a cute little place with sandwiches and pasta down by one of the open markets. I had bruschetta and a bottle of cold water. It was soooo very hot and we couldn't seem to get enough water. Our feet were swollen and sore from all the walking and heat but we went on. After all, this was our last day in Italy :-(
We decided to split up at the market so we could each look for what we wanted without having to wait on the other while they shopped. Great idea. We met back at the fountain in an hour or so. So many bargains!! We had a blast and felt good about our purchases. Now back to the hotel as it was evening. One stop on the way though. Louis Vuitton, here we come!!!!!
It was getting late. We wanted to get cleaned up and head out for a wonderful dinner on what was our last night in Florence, Italy. Actually, our last night in Italy period. The front desk had suggested a restaurant called Mama Gina's. For some reason, we headed in the direction that we were told but didn't seem to find it immediately. However, we did find the actual Pitti Palace where the Medici family once lived!!! So, lesson on hand, sometimes we don't always find what we're looking for the first time around. We may, however, find something that we always wanted to see!!! We saw the Pitti Palace!!!!! Around the corner and down the street was Mama Gina's. A wonderful meal we had that night. Our waiters were quite frisky and especially with three blonde women from the United States. As we were leaving, one of them said to me, "oh, you yummy"!!! We laughed and laughed and laughed. Had he been cute it would have been one thing. Not the case though. That made it even funnier. So, the term "yummy" was born.
Beth had a 7:00AM flight to catch so we packed up and headed off to our rooms for some sleep. Sleep was hard to come by for me though. I was sad to be leaving this new country that I had fallen in love with. Holly and I had to leave for the airport at 8:00. Good-night!!
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